Thursday, October 10, 2019

Artist Reflection Texture๐Ÿ“ท๐Ÿ“–✏๐Ÿ™‚

1.- The texture Rough represent the best shot for me...because its the one that represent the goal most.... 
2.- I could say the texture Soft is the weakest shot...because it doesn't really respond to the objectif 
3.- I can improve it by taking my time, and patience to do it... 
4.- I use Photoshop,black and white, levels,crop tools.
5.-I focus on finding the texture of the objects.
6.- Everything was easy, because you just need find a object that show the texture... 
7.- Nothing was difficult...because all I need it was being focus... 
8.- Take some different pictures..
9.- 7, because I don't really like those pictures....

Friday, October 4, 2019

Artist Discovery


                                            Ansel Adams!!!!!!                                 

1.- Ansel Adams does photography of Nature, Landscape, Valley...... Texture
 2.- By using the light wisely, and being focus on the pictures..(He used side lighting to bring out his textures....)
 3.- I like his work...
4.- Because of how realistic his work is, and he put the nature in value....

Texture Power Point

Texture- Rough and some part soft
 Contact Sheet

Double exposure photography